Thursday, February 24, 2011


In writing class today, we discussed the problem of plundering within corporations.  For those of you that don't exactly know what plundering is, it is basically taking natural resources from the earth that the wildlife of this planet need for everyday life.  Plundering is taking something that doesn't only belong to you, but to others as well.  Most of the discussion in class was geared toward why corporations believe they have a right to these valuable resources on the planet.  It seems as if corporations feel they can take, take, and take some more without considering the harm they could be imposing on, not only the wildlife, but the earth in general.  Many corporations will do what they can to gain the resources they need to continue their business.  In most cases, the welfare of the environment is just forgotten or shrugged off as if it is not as important as what the corporation is doing at the time.  This is not the way corporations should think but sadly it is most of the time.  There are times when corporations such as Interface Carpets do realize the mistakes that they have made and agree that some things they do are wrong.  In the video below Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface Carpets states, "The way I've been running Interface is the way of the plunderer; plundering something that is not mine, something that belongs to every creature on earth".  Anderson's eyes were opened to his corporation's mistakes and he admits that plundering is wrong and should be illegal.  One major question is why do corporations feel they have the right to take from the environment in the first place?  One of the thoughts that was brought up in class today was that corporations argue that man has dominion over all living things.  This is what the bible states in Genesis but corporations could be using this out of context because the bible also states in Genesis that man should take care of the earth they were given.  Man is not supposed to harm the earth but rather better the earth.  If corporations want to have dominion, this means they also have to treat the planet considerately.  In my opinion, corporations forget the second part of the rule very often.  My hope is that corporations will follow the example of Interface Carpets and become more environmentally friendly.

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