Thursday, March 31, 2011

Every Company Has an Image

Every company that is trying to sell a product is going to do everything they can to market the product.  This makes very much sense because without good marketing the product is never going to sell.  Good marketing often means creating an image of what that company is like.  The company makes claims in order to send a message to the consumer.  Claims are what the company says is true about their business.  There are some situations in which companies are not truly honest about how they run their company.  They may paint a pretty picture of what a consumer would like the company to be, but in reality some are not how they appear.  For instance, the company Monsanto claims to be very healthy, green, and beneficial.  On the Monsanto website I found a that one thing they pledge to do is, "Use sound and innovative science and thoughtful and effective stewardship to deliver high-quality products that are beneficial to our customers and to the environment" (par. 6).  They say that they are committed to producing good and safe products that are healthy for the community and the environment.  If you look deeper into who Monsanto really is, you will find that they actually inject a dangerous hormone into the cows on their farms.  This hormone is called rBGH and it is meant to allow cows to carry more milk.  As stated by Sustainable Table foundation, "Developed and manufactured by the Monsanto Corporation, this genetically engineered hormone [rBGH] forces cows to artificially increase milk production by 10 to 15 percent" (par. 1).  The problem is that not only does it make an uncomfortable living situation for the cows, but it can also cause cancer in humans.  The Sustainable Table also says, "Milk from rBGH-treated cows contains higher levels of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1). Humans also naturally have IGF-1, and increased levels in humans have been linked to colon and breast cancer" (par. 9).  Most people are more than likely unaware of these health risks but they wouldn't know any different if they base their opinion of Monsanto around what it states on it's website.  It is wrong for companies like Monsanto to use false advertising techniques.  If a company claims to do one thing, that is what it should do.  Yes, companies should advertise, market, and make a name for themselves.  They should not, however, mislead their consumers.  There are many companies that are not guilty of this.  Braum's is one of them.  In case you have never heard of Braum's, it is a place that sells dairy products, fast food, and some types of groceries.  Eventhough it offers meals, it is best known for it's milk and ice cream.  Braum's claims to only provide milk that comes from cows who have had no injections at all.  On their website Braum's has stated, "We do not inject our cows with hormones like rBGH to stimulate milk production and we don't add antibiotics to their feed" (par. 2).  Their claim is proved true by many sources.  One is The Oklahoman
Newspaper that in one article stated, "The cattle are fed a vegetarian diet and come from Midwestern ranches hand-picked by Tuttle-based Braum's. All-natural beef products available in Braum's Fresh Market will include steaks, ground beef and patties" (par. 1).  What Braum's says they do is what is done.  They provide their consumers with truth.  This makes them a very reliable and trustworthy company.  Monsanto and Braum's are two different types of companies.  One lives by what the claim and the other does not.  I do not agree with the false claims that Monsanto makes and I hope they will be stopped soon.

"rBGH." The Issues. Sustainable Table, July 2008. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.

"Our Pledge." Who We Are . Monsanto, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.

"We Believe in Natural ." What's new . Braum's , 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.

"Braum's Offers All-Natural Meat." The Oklahoman 17 Jan. 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.


  1. Dear Writer,

    This topic amazes me every time I hear more about it. It still amazes me that what Monsanto is doing is KNOWN, but is still being allowed to take place!

    "Humans also naturally have IGF-1, and increased levels in humans have been linked to colon and breast cancer" Anytime someone mentions the word, "cancer" it's going to stand out to people, and people are going to do whatever they can to stay away from that "product" to try and not get cancer...right? How sad, that we KNOW this can cause cancer, yet they are still injecting it into their cows, & we the consumer are still allowed to purchase this prodcut at the store, and then drink the product at our house! I hate the word cancer, it has messed up too many people's lives I am ken to or friends with. I just wish cancer would get cancer & die.

    "We do not inject our cows with hormones like rBGH to stimulate milk production and we don't add antibiotics to their feed" I think this is great that Braum's actually brings this to our attention & tells us that they AREN'T guilty of doing this. Just by them saying that DON'T do this goes to show you that there really are companies who are actually doing this. It is so sad and messed up to me. What kind of world are we living in?

    Thank you for writing about this topic. It's something not everyone knows about, but should. It needs and HAS to come to an end. How can we be feeding American's drugs that can cause cancer? We already have enough cancer in this world, we don't need more!


  2. Dear Britney,
    All corporations make claims about their company. Some tell the truth and others lie to make themselves look good to the public. Like you said in your blog many companies lie to maximize their profits. They will say one thing and then do the other when nobody is looking. They will also stretch the truth or manipulate people into believing them. Another thing that you mentioned was that if somebody makes a claim then they should live up to it. Nobody should say or do anything that they cannot back up. Corporations should not lie to everybody because it will turn against them in the end. Thank you for writing Britney. Corporations need to stop misleading its customers. That would help make the world a better place.
