Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Positive Twist

So far in all of my blog entries I have expressed interest in the negative side of corporations in our society.  I have focused on the unpleasant aspects of all corporations and left out any positive influence that they have.  Yes, corporations make mistakes and they sometimes let greed get the best of them, but they are not all bad.  It is obvious that they have a major impact on our every day lives.  I feel that I have demonstrated this with my past blog posts.  They are what turned our economy into one that thrives.  They have allowed our economy to be based on supply and demand and freedom in the business of enterprise.  Instead of raising crops, providing ourselves with clothing, and relying on horses for transportation, we live off of essentials provided by corporations.  Corporations also give out jobs meaning that they employee a great number of Americans.  This in turn keeps our economy flowing.  If it were not for corporations, the Untied States would not be what it is today.  There would be a completely different way of life.  In my opinion, the way in which we live today compared to the way people lived years ago, is much more appealing.  There are definitely things that corporations could do differently.  For instance, they could invest time and money into bettering our environment.  Although some corporations are striving to do this, many others could join in on the cause.  Most corporations could also put more focus on the exact interest of the consumers.  Doing what is best for the people that buy the products that a corporation is selling can only enhance the business.  There are several other improvements that could be made in order to better the reputation that comes along with a corporation.  Most corporations have this reputation for a reason but they can always fix problems within the business.  I believe that corporations are not all bad and we as a society benefit from them. 

picture by: geograph


  1. Dear Blogger

    I think with out a doubt our lives benefit from the existence of corporations. With out the advancements in technology that they have made we would still be building our homes with our bare hands. Now you sit down with an architect and a magazine to build your dream home complete with lights you can control from your smart phone.
    " Instead of raising crops, providing ourselves with clothing, and relying on horses for transportation, we live off of essentials provided by corporations." And I for one and completely fine with this. Even though I'm not ecstatic about writing this blog I would much rather be doing this than tending to a field of crops right now. But are corporations a byproduct of technology or vise versa? I guess its a chicken and the egg type situation.
    "I believe that corporations are not all bad and we as a society benefit from them." I agree for the most part with this statement. However some corporations do more harm than good. On the hole though I think we turn a blind eye as long as we have what we want.
    Thanks for the different take on this assignment. I've enjoyed reading this blog.


  2. Dear Britney,
    Corporations have a major impact on society. Many of their effects are negative but there are some positive effects from corporations. Like you said in your blog corporations have allowed the economy to thrive. They are a big part of free enterprise. They have also promoted growth and prosperity. Another thing that you mentioned is that corporations provide many basic needs that people need to survive. Without corporations then people would have to grow their own food and make their own clothes. They have also improved our standards of living. Thank you for writing Britney. Corporations have given an enormous amount of jobs to people. Corporations should do things that better consumers and the company both.

  3. Dear cbrit,

    I am glad you wrote about this. I have been struggling to find positive things about corporations. They aren’t completely bad, but usually the only thing you hear when corporations are involved are the bad things, no one ever mentions the good stuff. I guess that goes with the saying “no news is good news.” The only news you hear about corporations are how they are so corrupt.

    Your statement, “I believe that corporations are not all bad and we as a society benefit from them,” stood out to me. I had realized that we do benefit from corporations. They do benefit more than we do, but we still do benefit. Corporations are mainly focused on their profit, but with economy so bad and global warming being a threat, going green seems like the only option for corporations, and the community around those corporations are benefiting from that.

    The other statement, “If it were not for corporations, the Untied States would not be what it is today,” was absolutely agreeable. Like you said earlier in you blog, they employ millions upon millions of people, and if we didn’t have jobs, this country would not be as powerful as it is today. No only does it employ people, it changes how we function throughout the day. Corporations have enough money to do research and invent new technology that makes this world spin a lot faster than it use to.

    Thank you for writing about how corporations do help and are not completely negative. I was starting to lose hope in our economy. If you can bring in the good with the bad in more of your blogs, I will be back.
