Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Message

Have you ever watched a movie and seen the actors use their cell phone, computer, or any other device?  while watching the movie you may have noticed that the item is a specific brand.  For instance, they could be using a mac computer or an apple iphone.  The camera seems to zoom in on these brand names just long enough for the viewer to see them.  The viewer sees the actor using these particular brands and comes to the conclusion that these brands must be good.  This is an advertising tactic that is not only seen in movies but in our everyday lives.  We receive visual messages throughout the day that market products.  Sometimes we are not even aware that a message is being sent.  We are all targets of hidden messages that corporations send to us on a daily basis to convince us to buy their product.  You may see someone writing with a pen that says "First Security Bank" on the side.  This is a message that is trying to tell you to bank at First Security.  There may be a pizza box laying on the desk next to you at work that says "Domino's Pizza".  Later that night if a family member suggest ordering pizza for dinner a name may pop into your mind.  That name would most likely be Domino's Pizza.  Because a visual message was sent earlier that day, the product that was being advertised comes to mind.  There are cases in which a corporation may pay a person or place to display something that symbolizes their corporation.  This could be anything with their name on it.  It could be a pen, a cup, a box, or any other number of things.  We will pass by these items or even use these items and make an unconscious mental note of what we saw.  The corporations that were being displayed are now going to be in our mind.  This business method is frequently used on a daily basis.  I am constantly seeing company labels show up all around me.  Like it or not, brand names are going into our minds everyday so that we might get the idea that these products are acceptable and necessary.  Corporations bombard our society with this tactic of selling product using a visual message.  We have to be aware of what we are seeing and believing.  It is vital to make sure that we do not automatically assume that a product is good just because we received a visual message that it is.  Our daily lives are similar to movies.  We are always seeing names, companies, and products with the spotlight cast on them.  Be cautious that you do not trust everything you see.  Corporations are sending these messages and we are receiving them no doubt, but we can still be aware of this business method. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Product or Name?

Major corporations such as Nike, The North Face, TOMS, and Apple sell products on a daily basis.  Jackets, shoes, phones, Ipods, and many other items are constantly being sold to consumers.  Corporations produce these items and then sell them to the public.  They not only sell their products but they also sell themselves.  They sell a way of life that their products create.  In my opinion, corporations sell most of their products by first selling an image and a lifestyle.  Many corporations find a way to get their consumers to percieve a certain product as something truly life changing and a must-have.  For instance, Apple sells the image of technology and an easier life because of the technology.  Nike sells the image of being athletic and in shape.  The name of the corporation is what is sold most of the time.  Another great example is the brand Ugg.  They sell all kinds of designer shoes including boots, tennis shoes, flip flops, etc.  There are plenty of other brands that sell shoes much like Ugg's but the price is much lower on the other brands.  Ugg is just a name but it is an expensive name.  The North Face is the same way.  My North Face jacket does not keep me any warmer than my jacket from JC Penny's but I had to have it.  This is because of the image it sells.  When I think of The North Face I think of a sporty, trendy jacket that is popular and in style.  I want this jacket because of the name that is on the front, not because of the fabric or warmth factor.  Most of us are guilty of buying a name and not a product.  Many corporations build their name into something that we as consumers feel we must have and then the corporations advertise their name at every chance they get.  This is a good business tactic because consumers get sucked in by the thousands.  We have to be aware of corporations that are selling their name more than their product because the product itself may not be worth what we spend on it.  Corporations realize how vulnerable we are towards ideas, images, and better lifestyles and they act on that daily.  Just think twice next time you go to buy a product.  Is it the product that you truly want or is it the name?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Positive Twist

So far in all of my blog entries I have expressed interest in the negative side of corporations in our society.  I have focused on the unpleasant aspects of all corporations and left out any positive influence that they have.  Yes, corporations make mistakes and they sometimes let greed get the best of them, but they are not all bad.  It is obvious that they have a major impact on our every day lives.  I feel that I have demonstrated this with my past blog posts.  They are what turned our economy into one that thrives.  They have allowed our economy to be based on supply and demand and freedom in the business of enterprise.  Instead of raising crops, providing ourselves with clothing, and relying on horses for transportation, we live off of essentials provided by corporations.  Corporations also give out jobs meaning that they employee a great number of Americans.  This in turn keeps our economy flowing.  If it were not for corporations, the Untied States would not be what it is today.  There would be a completely different way of life.  In my opinion, the way in which we live today compared to the way people lived years ago, is much more appealing.  There are definitely things that corporations could do differently.  For instance, they could invest time and money into bettering our environment.  Although some corporations are striving to do this, many others could join in on the cause.  Most corporations could also put more focus on the exact interest of the consumers.  Doing what is best for the people that buy the products that a corporation is selling can only enhance the business.  There are several other improvements that could be made in order to better the reputation that comes along with a corporation.  Most corporations have this reputation for a reason but they can always fix problems within the business.  I believe that corporations are not all bad and we as a society benefit from them. 

picture by: geograph