Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Message

Have you ever watched a movie and seen the actors use their cell phone, computer, or any other device?  while watching the movie you may have noticed that the item is a specific brand.  For instance, they could be using a mac computer or an apple iphone.  The camera seems to zoom in on these brand names just long enough for the viewer to see them.  The viewer sees the actor using these particular brands and comes to the conclusion that these brands must be good.  This is an advertising tactic that is not only seen in movies but in our everyday lives.  We receive visual messages throughout the day that market products.  Sometimes we are not even aware that a message is being sent.  We are all targets of hidden messages that corporations send to us on a daily basis to convince us to buy their product.  You may see someone writing with a pen that says "First Security Bank" on the side.  This is a message that is trying to tell you to bank at First Security.  There may be a pizza box laying on the desk next to you at work that says "Domino's Pizza".  Later that night if a family member suggest ordering pizza for dinner a name may pop into your mind.  That name would most likely be Domino's Pizza.  Because a visual message was sent earlier that day, the product that was being advertised comes to mind.  There are cases in which a corporation may pay a person or place to display something that symbolizes their corporation.  This could be anything with their name on it.  It could be a pen, a cup, a box, or any other number of things.  We will pass by these items or even use these items and make an unconscious mental note of what we saw.  The corporations that were being displayed are now going to be in our mind.  This business method is frequently used on a daily basis.  I am constantly seeing company labels show up all around me.  Like it or not, brand names are going into our minds everyday so that we might get the idea that these products are acceptable and necessary.  Corporations bombard our society with this tactic of selling product using a visual message.  We have to be aware of what we are seeing and believing.  It is vital to make sure that we do not automatically assume that a product is good just because we received a visual message that it is.  Our daily lives are similar to movies.  We are always seeing names, companies, and products with the spotlight cast on them.  Be cautious that you do not trust everything you see.  Corporations are sending these messages and we are receiving them no doubt, but we can still be aware of this business method. 


  1. Dear Britney,
    Many people watch movies these days. Many actors in movies also showcase brand name items. Like you said in your blog we are all targets of hidden messages that corporations send us on a daily basis. Corporations are always trying to find new ways to advertise to people. They are always trying to make to everybody remember their products so they would be more likely to buy them. Another thing that you mentioned is that some companies pay famous people to use their products. Corporations are constantly attempting to make their products appear new and popular. This would also help people remember their products. Thank you for writing Britney. Corporations are very sly and will use everything to their full advantage. Corporations have been successful because they have been excellent at advertising.

  2. Dear Britney,

    You made a very good & valid point. Most of the times, we don't even realize that things are being "advertised" as they are. I don't think it's always a bad thing though.

    "Later that night if a family member suggest ordering pizza for dinner a name may pop into your mind" This statement is so true. I know I have done the exact thing many times. If we hadn't have seen that Domino's pizza box early that day, we may not have even thought of that pizza place to order from.

    I also think we see those things, & THEN we want them. We were never really hungry for pizza, until we saw that box! ha!

    "We will pass by these items or even use these items and make an unconscious mental note of what we saw." Yes, we all do this. Every day! Even just by the new pair of shoes the person your sitting next to in class is sending out "advertisement". & Nike isn't PAYING them to wear those shoes! They paid Nike FOR the shoes & are now free advertisement for Nike! CRAZY huh!?

    This was a good post, & a very good point for all of us to think about! Thank you for writing & I hope to continue to read some interesting posts of yours!


  3. Dear Writer,

    This is an interesting post because it is something that corporations do to affect our everyday lives and most of us never even notice.

    Your example of the Domino's pizza box is actually something I have never thought of as a visual reminder. I knew what corporations were doing with the pens and the movies, but that is something that hadn't occurred to me.

    I agree with the fact that corporations find every way possible to get into our lives and influence us in any way to use their products. It's a vicious game and it will probably never stop.

    Thank you for posting this and pointing out the ways that they work themselves into our lives!


  4. Dear Britney,

    You are right about everything you said. I never really did pay attention to that but now that you mention it. I have seen that they do close up on phones and computers.
    I liked how you pointed out that advertisement is everywhere even in the most simplest places. For example everytime I go to the library and see someone with a starbucks coffee, it makes me want to go and buy one.
    I agree that advertisement is always going to around us. It is our decision whether or not to pay attention to these ads.
    I liked this post and it makes me what to learn more.


  5. Britney,

    I actually did a project on product placement! After doing my research I really started to notice how much companies use it.

    I definitely agree with your idea that advertisement will always be around us. Everything is an advertisement. The tv that I am watching right now has a brand name on it which is an advertisement.

    However, I disagree with the idea that you can ignore it. It's like the sun, if you open your eyes during the day, you see it. All you have to do is hop in the car and drive. Everything is an advertisement, you can't avoid it.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I really enjoyed reading them.


  6. Dear cbrit,
    I have never thought of it like that before. It’s really smart for corporations to do that though. They are advertising their items after they have already been bought. This draws questions and curiosity to their potential consumers.
    When you said, “Because a visual message was sent earlier that day, the product that was being advertised comes to mind,” it absolutely stood out to me. This summarizes your entire blog. Visuals are stuck in our head, and are planted there throughout the day without us realizing it. If you think about it, it is pretty genius by corporations to think of that.
    Also, I agreed with your statement, “This business method is frequently used on a daily basis.” It is all around us whether we like it or not. We are surrounded by disguised advertisements. Visual are everywhere, and like you said, we actually use them without knowing it. My father is a lawyer, and he had some pens made with his name and law firm on the side of the pen. He hands those out with his business card. I never knew it before, but I guess my dad is into advertisement as well. He advertises himself and his practice.
    Thank you for bringing up this topic. You have brought some new things to light for me. If you keep coming up with things that people don’t realize they do, but do every day, I will be back.
